Universal Prayers for Blessed Frederic


(A) PRESIDER – In conscience, we are called to holiness.  Recognize our limits and let us present our demands to the Lord through the intercession of Blessed Frederic Janssoone.

  • For the Church, so that through the example of Blessed Frederic, she will never cease to call to holiness through service and love, let us pray to the Lord.

R/ Lord, spare us.

  • For pastors, deacons, those responsible for pastoral ministry, so at the example of Blessed Frederic, they always be attentive to the will of God and to the needs of the people, let us pray to the Lord. R/
  • For the poor and the downtrodden, that they will find on their way, someone who will seek to welcome them, to console them and restore their hope, let us pray to the Lord. R/
  • For the sinners we are, so that we will find on our pilgrimage of faith, witnesses like Blessed Frederic, who reminds us the Lord is always there to welcome us, let us pray to the Lord. R/
  • For all of us, that we will pursue with hope our pilgrimage on the route to holiness, let us pray to the Lord. R/



(B) PRESIDER – Man of great distances, tireless traveler in the steps of Jesus.

R/ Blessed Frederic, pray for us!

  • Man of great distances, disseminator of the Gospel whom no obstacle stopped, R/
  • Man of endless compassion for the sick and all the wounded by life, R/
  •  Disciple of Francis of Assisi, lover of our mother earth and the  Passion of Jesus, R/
  •  Loving pilgrim of the Virgin Mary, full of the look that marked his life, R/
  • Man of joyful hope, fascinated by heaven at the end of our routes, R/

PRESIDER – Lord our God, admirable Providence that Blessed Frederic never ceased to proclaim during his pilgrimage on earth, obtain for us the grace of choice which he desired above all for himself: that of becoming a saint!

Grant us to remain with Mary, Our Lady of Compassion, near the cross of your Son, The Savior of the world; and lead us by your Spirit after this life of one day, to the eternal transfiguration forever and ever.  Amen.

(A. Dumont, omi)



(C) PRESIDER – With Blessed Frederic, let’s celebrate the Merciful God who calls us all to holiness.

R/ Your Providence is admirable, Lord!

  • You call us to the vast field of bringing the Gospel to all the downtrodden; for the strength of your Spirit which awakes us to vast desires, may you be blessed.  R/
  • You call us to the joyful poverty of laborers of the Good News; for the taste of true riches, may  you be blessed.  R/
  • You call us to instill hope with audacity by modern means of distribution; for new missionary graces, may you be blessed.  R/
  • You call us to follow your Son on the way of the cross; for the courage that the unfortunate find in the compassion of Mary, may you be blessed.  R/
  • You call us to keep our eyes fixed on the infinite joy of the Kingdon; for the great family which  waits for us in heaven, may you be blessed.  R/

PRESIDER – Lord our God, you granted to blessed Frederic Janssoone to follow in the footsteps of your Son in the Holy Land, and to make the faithful more knowledgeable in the mysteries of His life; grant us, through his intercession, to venerate these mysteries with love and to receive in abundance, the fruits of the redemption through Jesus Christ.