All his life, Father Frederic had an impressive literary activity. He founded and wrote for numerous reviews, one of which is the Annals of the Most Holy Rosary, now called the Revue of Our Lady of the Cape. He left several writings.
Books written by Father Frederic:
- The life of Blessed Jeanne-Marie Maille, Third Order Franciscan (1871)
- The Franciscan third order, its rule, its excellence (1879)
- Historic notice on the work of the Holy Land (1882)
- The Stations of the Cross in Jerusalem (1882)
- The rule of the Third Order (1892)
- Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ (1894) – record 42,000 copies printed
- The 14 drownings at Saint Alban (1894)
- Life of Saint Francis of Assisi (1894)
- The life of Brother Didace, Recollet (1894)
- The month of the Most Holy Rosary (1895)
- Good Saint Anne; her life, her miracles, her sanctuaries (1896)
- The life of Saint Anthony of Padua (1896)
- Novena to the Holy Spirit (1897)
- Egypt and the Franciscans (1897)
- Saint Joseph, his life, his cult (1902)
- Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1904)
- Saint Anthony and the little children (1905)
- Album of the Holy Land (1905)
- Angelic ground, or selections of miracles drawn from the lives of the Saints for young people (1905)
- Heaven, the realm of the elect (1912)
- My first voyage to Canada, 1881-1882 (1946);
- Journal of the voyage, France, Italy, Palestine (1876-1877) (1946)
Already during his lifetime, Father Frederic enjoyed a reputation for holiness. A number of authors wished to know and deepen the life and spirituality of Father Frederic.
Books written about Father Frederic
- Father Frederic of Ghyvelde / Mathieu M. Daunais (1926)
- Illustrated life of Good Father Frederic Janssoone / Mathieu M. Daunais (1934)
- Manuscripts of Rev. Father Frederic Janssoone, OFM / Hugolin Lemay (1935)
- The servant of God, Father Frederic of Ghyvelde and Bethlehem / Paul-Eugene Trudel (1947)
- Rev. Father Frederic Janssoone / Leon Moreel (1951)
- Father Frederic Janssoone / Romain Legare (1953)
- A witness of the other world/ Onesime Lamontagne (1960)
- A great servant of the Holy Land / Romain Legare (1965)
- Selected pages of Father Frederic Janssoone / Romain Legare (1972)
- Good Father Frederic and Trois-Rivieres / Romain Legare (1975)
- The Positio / Congregation for the Cause of Saints (1978)
- Father Frederic Janssoone of Ghyvelde / Robert Noote (1983)
- Good Father Frederic / Constantin Baillargeon (1988)
- Frederic Janssoone of Ghyvelde, Franciscan, Apostle of Christ on three continents / Jean-Francois Motte (1988)
- A taste for God / Andre Dumont (1989)
- Father Frederic Janssoone in Ghyvelde in Flanders / Robert Noote (1995)
- Blessed Frederic / Roger Poudrier (2001)
- Guide and prayers, Frederic Janssoone Museum / Gentil Turcotte (2003)